Training, Consultation, Canvas, Lecture Capture, & Video Conversion.

Categories (7)


Microsoft Teams is the communication app for real-time collaboration, meeting, and file sharing.


Canvas is the newly-adopted learning management system for the Rollins community. Faculty and staff can use Canvas to create course content, discussion boards, quizzes, embedded media, and more.


Kaltura is our all-in-one video tool that allows you to upload, store, create, share, and trim videos.

Kaltura My Media is the space where you can upload and store videos for use in any course through the external tools option in Canvas's Rich Content Editor. Once you upload videos to your My Media, you can embed them in multiple Canvas courses. You can also add faculty, staff, and students as collaborators to co-edit and/or co-publish videos.

Within Kaltura is a tool called Personal Capture that allows you to create a screen recording, webcam recording, voice only recording, or a combination of these. This tool is helpful in recording narrated PowerPoints and embedding them in a Canvas course.


WordPress is a tool for creating customized websites.


Turnitin Similarity helps students and educators identify plagiarism while teaching students the importance of original work.


Perusall is an online social annotation tool for teachers and students. Perusall allows you to annotate course content, including text documents, web pages, videos, podcasts, books, and images. Collaborate with your colleagues on the coursework and while leveraging critical thinking skills. Perusall is integrated into Canvas as an external tool, please contact the Instructional Design & Technlogy department for installation.

Below are resources for using Perusall in Canvas. If you have questions or would like a 1:1 overview, the quickest way to get help is to either book a consultation with the Instructional Design and Technology team or send an email to (sending your request here allows us all to see it and so respond more quickly).


This interactive tool's touchscreen functionality can transform traditional teaching at all levels into engaging, immersive learning experiences.

Articles (32)

Audacity: How to import or export in other file formats

FFmpeg allows you to import or export additional audio file formats in Audacity. Install the FFmpeg installer for file formats such as .m4a (AAC) or .mwa.

Forms: Duplicate, Customize, and Share a Survey

Learn how to duplicate, edit, and share a Microsoft Forms survey.

Perusall for Students

Student Guide to getting started within Perusall assignments

Podcasting Tips for Educators

Podcasting can diversify teaching by serving as a creative project tool for students.

Resources and Tools for Teaching Activities

A one-page resource that showcases available tools supported by Rollins that faculty have access to use, especially for Hyflex (hybrid+flexible) courses.