Share OneDrive Files in Canvas

Instructors can share OneDrive files within Canvas modules or any Rich Content Editor Page

Share OneDrive files in Modules

  1. Click on the Modules link

  2. Select the + icon under the desired Module

  3. Click on the link for Office 365

  4. Choose the file

  5. Click Attach File

Share OneDrive files in a Rich Content Editor (RCE) page

  1. Click on the external tools "V" icon and select Microsoft Office 365

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Screenshots (click to expand / collapse)

Share OneDrive files in Modules

  • Step 1: Click on the Modules link

    image showing link to modules in the canvas course menu

  • Step 2: Select the + icon under the desired Module

  • Step 3: Click on the link for Office 365

  • Step 4: Choose the file

  • Step 5: Click Attach File


Share OneDrive files in a Rich Content Editor (RCE) page

  • Step 6: Click on the external tools "V" icon and select Microsoft Office 365

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