Qualtrics: Download a PDF of copy of legacy Results-Reports

Qualtrics has rolled out a new Results Dashboard. In June 2022, legacy Results-Reports will move to a read-only state. In August, legacy Results-Reports will be fully depreciated.

Before August 30, 2022, download a PDF copy of any legacy Results-Reports you wish to keep.

If you have already switched to the new Results Dashboard, you can return to the legacy results-reports view by clicking the Switch Back link at the top of the page.


  1. Navigate to the Results section

  2. Click Share Report

  3. Select PDF Document

  4. Select which you would like to export (by default, all are selected)

  5. Click Export Pages

  6. After the report generates, click Download
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Article ID: 139064
Fri 4/8/22 1:43 PM
Fri 4/15/22 3:20 PM