Check OneDrive Version History Limit

  1. Access OneDrive
  2. Click on the gear icon
  3. Click on OneDrive settings
  4. Click on the Library tab in the top left
    • Note: ​​​​​​​If you do not see the Library tab, click on Return to classic OneDrive on the bottom left
  5. Click on Library Settings
  6. Click on Versioning Settings
  7. Check the number of versions


Visual Directions

Screenshots (click to expand / collapse)
  • Step 1: Access OneDrive
  • Step 2: Click on the gear icon in the top right near your name

  • Step 3: Click on OneDrive settings

    Image of link reading one drive settings

    • Note: ​​​​​​​If you do not see the Library tab, click on Return to classic OneDrive on the bottom left

  • Step 4: Click on the Library tab in the top left

    image showing the library tab in top left of screen

  • Step 5: Click on Library Settings

    image showing the Library Settings button on the top ribbon

  • Step 6: Click on Versioning Settings

  • Step 7: Check the number of versions

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