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    This policy applies to all trustees; officers, faculty members, and employees of Rollins College and is intended to serve for the guidance of members and their immediate families.
    This policy applies to casual, temporary employees who are subsequently appointed to regular positions of 1,000 hours or more per year without a break in service.
    This policy is only intended to provide adjusted service credit for purposes of calculating eligibility for College benefits.
    All students may use this procedure for discrimination related grievances against faculty or staff members.
    This policy is to ensure the health, safety, and well‐being of all children who come to the Rollins campus and of those children with whom our students and employees interact in other locations.
    Rollins College will make reasonable accommodations for any individual with a documented disability on a case-by-case basis.
    This policy provides guidelines for employees to view the contents of their personnel files.
    Rollins College may supplement the regular work force with temporary employees when needed because of periods of peak workload, employee absences or other situations as may be determined by the College.
    This policy addresses the pay practices that may result from an unexpected closure of the College. This policy applies to regular, benefit eligible employees of the College.
    This policy defines the guidelines to be followed in determining appropriate compensation adjustments when employees move from one position to another.
    Faculty and Staff are discouraged from engaging in romantic or amorous relationships with students and are expressly prohibited from engaging in such relationships in circumstances in which they exercise power or influence over a student.
    Supervisors are expressly prohibited from engaging in amorous relationships with employees under their supervision.