Discrimination Grievance Procedure for Exempt and Non-Exempt Staff and Faculty


Rollins College strives to create and maintain an environment in which students, faculty and staff can learn and work together in an atmosphere of mutual trust, respect and civility. Every member of the College community should be aware that Rollins is committed to upholding and enforcing its Non discrimination Policy and will take appropriate corrective measures where necessary to address and remedy violations when they occur. To aid in the reporting and resolution of employee grievances relating to perceived violations of its Non discrimination Policy, the College has published this Discrimination Grievance Procedure for Exempt and Non-Exempt Staff and Faculty.

For purposes of this policy, a discrimination grievance is a complaint or report of an injury, injustice or wrong in which the grounds for the complaint are based on sex, disability, race, age, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information.


Article ID: 141952
Tue 9/20/22 9:55 AM
Fri 10/14/22 2:40 PM