These guidelines are intended to provide a process for review and approval of position budget requests and other non-routine appointment and position change transactions.
These guidelines apply to all of the following types of transactions:
- Creation of a regular full or part-time position, regardless of funding source, including the conversion of existing budget allocations designated for compensation or other expenditures.
- Increase in work hours for a regular budgeted position, regardless of funding source, including the conversion of existing budget allocations designated for compensation or other expenditures.
- Elevation of an exempt position title.
- Reclassification of a non-exempt hourly position to exempt salaried status.
- Market/Equity or other special adjustments to base salary.
- Hiring a faculty or exempt staff member at a salary which more than nominally exceeds the available position budget.
- Offering employment terms and/or compensation packages to new faculty or staff that involve extended commitments, incorporate built in pay adjustments which more than nominally exceed the position’s available budget, or include fringe benefits not associated with the standard benefits package.
- Increase in student and non-student temporary budgets.
These guidelines do not apply to routine employment or budget transactions involving use of approved designated funds within the budget.