Canvas: Faculty Getting Started Guide

Getting Started

  1. Log into Canvas using your Fox ID and password.
  2. Set your Canvas notification preferences.
    • We recommend that you select "Notify me right away" for Conversations so that you do not miss any messages from your students. 
    • You may also add a text (SMS) contact method in Canvas to receive notifications on your phone. 
  3. Make sure that your computer and browser are supported by Canvas.

  4. Download the Canvas Instructor mobile app.
  5. RSVP to attend one or more of the Canvas workshops and open labs.
  6. Review the available Canvas resources listed below. (To access some of these resources, you may be prompted to log in with your Fox ID and password).
  7. Use your Sandbox courses to start building. 
    • You have access to multiple sandbox courses in Canvas that you may use for testing and to start building course content. Content created in Sandbox courses can be copied into the official, academic course shells. 
      • If you plan to import content from Blackboard into Canvas, we recommend that you use a sandbox course to do so.
      • You may export content from Blackboard and import it into Canvas and / or build from scratch in Canvas. 

Resources Available to You


In-Person Training Opportunities

  • Canvas Workshops and Open Labs:  Instructional Design & Technology is offering different workshops. View the Canvas workshop dates and RSVP to attend.
  • One-on-One Consultations:  If you cannot attend one of our face-to-face workshops or you would like to meet individually with an instructional technologist, complete this online form to request a one-on-one meeting. We can meet with you in-person, by phone, or via Teams if you are not able to meet on campus. 

Resources Available for your Students

  1. The Instructional Design & Technology Team created a Canvas Help and Resources module that you may import into your courses from Canvas Commons. Follow these directions to import this resource into your course(s).  
    1. This module includes tutorial videos and links to Canvas help guides for students. Once you import this module into your course, you can customize it to meet your needs or leave it as is.  
  2. Alternatively, you may direct your students to the Student: Getting Started Guide by clicking on the "Help" button in Canvas, located on the left-side Global Navigation menu.  
  3. Please encourage students to contact the Help Desk as soon as possible if they are having any issues with Canvas by emailing or by calling 407-628-6363. 
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