Stop Sharing Teams Meeting Recording

Note: Recordings are automatically available via Teams Chat to people who have been invited to attend or who have attended the meeting. Please see these Knowledge Base articles for more information:
- How to access a meeting recording
- How to share a meeting recording (recording owner only)
- How to download a meeting recording



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Stop Sharing a Recording from Stream

  1. Access the recording in the Teams Chat
  2. From the Share pull-down menu on the upper right side, choose Manage access. 


  3. When the Manage access box pops up, choose Stop sharing.


    (Note: After this step, the video can only be accessed by the recording owner through One Drive.)

Stop Sharing a Recording from OneDrive

  1. Access the recording in OneDrive
  2. Click the More Options (three dots), and choose Manage access.


  3. When the Manage access box pops up, choose on Stop sharing.

  4. Finally, when the Stop sharing? box pops up, choose the Stop sharing button to remove access from all links.


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Limiting Access to a Recording

To limit permission and access when sharing a recording:

  1. Access the recording in OneDrive
  2. Next to the recording name, click on Show Actions (three dots) next to the recording name and select Details.


  3. In the menu that opens on the right, select Manage Access.


  4. Use the pull-down menu to choose Can edit, Can view, or Stop sharing.


    (Note: A pop will display to validate the choice to Stop sharing, but, editing permission will be next to the pull-down menu option.)


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