Sharing a video on OneDrive from a phone

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This article shows the steps to share a video on OneDrive from an android phone or an iPhone

  1. Open the folder with the video you’d like to share.
  2. Click on the ‘More’ (three dots next to the video) to see the share option.
  3. Select Share in the pop-up menu.
  4. You can share the video in two ways:
    • You can share by granting access to people or groups (via their email, name or group).
    • You can share by copying the link and sharing it.
      Note: You can specify who you would like to access the video through the link.


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  1. Open the folder with the video you’d like to share.
  2. Click on the ‘More’ (three dots next to the video) to see the share option.
  3. Select Share in the pop-up menu
  4. You can share the video in two ways:
    You can share by granting access to people or groups (via their email, name or group).

    You can share by copying the link and sharing it.

    Note: You can specify who you would like to access the video through the link.


Step 1: Open the folder with the video you’d like to share.

Step 2: Click on the ‘More’ (three dots next to the video) to see the share option.


Step 3: Select Share in the pop-up menu


Step 4: You can share the video in two ways

  • You can share by granting access to people or groups (via their email, name or group).

  • You can share by copying the link and sharing it.


Note: You can specify who you would like to access the video through the link.



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