It is the policy of Rollins College to permit employees to hold outside employment, subject to certain restrictions as outlined below. This procedure applies to all exempt and non-exempt salaried and hourly employees of the College.
Restrictions to Outside Employment
- The College requires that employees' activities away from the job must not compromise the College's interests or adversely affect job performance and ability to fulfill all responsibilities to the College.
- Full-time employees are permitted, but are not encouraged to engage in outside employment or other work activity.
- Employees are cautioned to consider carefully the demands that additional work activity will create before seeking or accepting outside employment. Outside employment will not be considered an excuse for poor job performance, absenteeism, tardiness, leaving early, refusal to travel or refusal to work overtime or different hours. If outside work activity does cause or contribute to job-related problems, such employment must be discontinued; and, if necessary, normal disciplinary procedures will be followed to deal with the specific problem.
- The College will be particularly concerned about outside employment that:
- Will reduce the employee's efficiency in working for the College.
- Involve working for an organization that does a significant amount of business with the College such as major contractors, suppliers, etc.
- All employees are prohibited from engaging in any activity that compromises the College's image. This prohibition includes the unauthorized use of any College tools, equipment or resources. In addition, employees are not to conduct any outside business during paid working time.
- Employees who have accepted outside employment are not eligible for unpaid leave when the absence is used to work on the outside job or is the result of an injury sustained on the outside job.