

Rollins  College  fully  upholds  all  federal,  state  and  local  statutes  governing  the  illegal  consumption  of  alcoholic  beverages  by  underage  persons.  Moreover,  Rollins  disapproves  of  the  abuse  of  alcoholic beverages. No person  under  the  age  of  21  years  shall  attempt  to  purchase,  acquire,  or  possess  an  alcoholic beverage.

Evidence  has  shown  that  underage  consumption  of  alcoholic  beverages  is  prevalent  on  college/university campuses despite state laws and college/university rules and regulations. Due to the persistence  of  underage  consumption  of  alcoholic  beverages,  Rollins  policies  and  procedures  seek  to  educate the campus community about alcohol and to regulate its use. This alcohol policy is intended to serve the following objectives: 

1.    To promote legal and responsible behavior and attitudes among all members of the College community
2.    To create programs and services to educate students concerning the use and effects of alcoholic beverages in order to encourage responsible decisionā€making
3.    To aid individuals experiencing difficulties associated with the use of alcohol

Click here to view the full policy.


Article ID: 141933
Tue 9/20/22 9:25 AM
Wed 11/15/23 1:25 PM