Reset PIN for Audio Only Conference Calls

Tags Teams

Why do I need a PIN?

When calling in, a PIN is used to authenticate a caller as the meeting organizer. A PIN is only required for the meeting organizer when a Microsoft Teams user hasn’t already started the meeting. If everyone is dialing in to the meeting, then the PIN is required for the meeting organizer to start the meeting. Meetings can be started when an authenticated user joins using the Microsoft Teams app or when the organizer joins with their PIN over the phone.

How do I reset the PIN?

  • Launch Microsoft Outlook, then open the Calendar
  • Open a meeting invite to view the meeting details
  • Scroll down to the bottom, click the Reset PIN link
  • The Microsoft PSTN user settings webpage will open
  • Click Reset PIN button



What happens when you call in?

The audio conferencing bridge answers a call for people who are dialing in to a meeting using a phone. It answers the caller with voice prompts from an auto attendant and then, depending on your settings, can play notifications and ask callers to record their name.


Automated attendant:

  • If you’re the meeting organizer, press *
  • Enter the PIN, then press #


Tip: Use the Meeting options link to adjust meeting settings to allow callers to bypass the lobby.


In-meeting menu options

When calling in, use the key pad to control in-menu options such as * 21 (admits all participants in the lobby to enter the meeting). In the meeting info, you can also click Find a local number to learn about the in-menu options.



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