Set Teams Meeting Options

There are several options to help you manage the operation and security of your meetings. These options can only be adjusted after the meeting has been scheduled or started. Click the link below to jump to the section.  



Locate the Meeting Options in Teams

  1. In Teams, select Calendar


  2. Click on the meeting in question and select Edit


  3. Click on Meeting options 


    Note: The Meeting Options link will only be available after the meeting has been scheduled and saved,
  4. The Meeting Options will open a new page in your web browser.

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Locate Meeting Options in the Meeting Invitation

  1. Open meeting invitation in your email application.
  2. In the body of the invitation, click on Meeting options 



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Locate the Meeting Options for a Meeting in Progress

  1. During a meeting, select More 

  2. Select Settings and then Meeting options

  3. A panel will open on the right and you can change the options there


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Overview of Teams Meeting Options

Meeting Setting Possible Choices Default Choice Notes
Who can bypass the lobby?
  • Everyone
  • People in my organization, trusted organizations, and guests
  • People in my organization and guests
  • People in my organization
  • People I invite (Turn off Allow forwarding in meeting invite)
  • Only me and co-organizers
People in my organization This refers to all attendees, but callers can be handled in a separate option
Always let callers bypass the lobby Yes/No toggle No "Callers" are attendees who are joining the meeting by telephone 
Announce when callers join or leave Yes/No toggle No "Callers" are attendees who are joining the meeting by telephone 
Choose co-organizers Drop-down of invited participants Blank by default  
Who can present?
  • Everyone
  • People in my organization and guests
  • Specific people
  • Only me and co-organizers
Those who can present can also start a recording of the meeting
Allow mic [microphone] for attendees? Yes/No toggle Yes
Allow camera for attendees? Yes/No toggle Yes
Record automatically Yes/No toggle No
Allow meeting chat
  • Enable
  • Disable
  • In-meeting only
  • If enabled, the meeting chat is available before, during, and after the meeting for all participants. 
  • "In-meeting only" means the chat history will remain available after the meeting, but participants will no longer be able to add to the chat. The meeting organizer will still be able to add to the chat.
Allow reactions Yes/No toggle No
Enable Q&A Yes/No toggle No
Provide CART Captions Yes/No toggle No CART captions are human-generated. This should be turned off unless specifically providing this service.

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