Inviting a Guest to a Microsoft Teams Meeting in Progress

There are several ways to invite a guest to a Teams meeting that has already begun. You can send them the meeting link or add the contact to the video call. The Add Contact method is recommended for guests you will add to calls often. You will need to be in an ongoing call already for both.


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Meeting Link Method

  1. Click the People button to Show Participants on the right of the screen (Note: You may need to move your pointer for it to appear)
  2. Click the Share invite on the pop-up, to copy the meeting link to your clipboard

  3. Click Copy meeting link to copy the link in an email (Right click then click paste or use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + V, to paste)
  4. Send the email to the guest you are inviting
    The guest will receive an email with the link to join the meeting. They will not have to log in or sign up to join the meeting. 


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Add Contact Method

  1. When you're in a meeting, select People/Show participants in your meeting controls to see the people who were invited but haven't joined.
  2. Ask someone who was invited to join the meeting by pointing to their name and selecting Request to join.
  3. You can also type a person's name or phone number in the search box to add someone who was not previously invited.



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