Microsoft Teams: Adding Members to a Team (including non-Rollins members)

If you are a team owner, you can add someone to a team. If you are not a team owner, you can submit a request and the team owner can accept or deny it. A non-Rollins member (or Guest) is from outside our organization that only a team owner can invite (via email address).


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Adding Members on Microsoft Teams 

If you are a team owner, you can add someone to a team.

If you are not a team owner, you can submit a request and the team owner can accept or deny it.

  1. To request someone be added to a team you're already a member of, go to the team in your team list then select More options More options > Add member.

  2. Type the name of one or more people.

  3. then select Send request.


Team owners will receive an alert that they have a pending request.

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Adding Members to a Team 

1. Open Microsoft Teams on your desktop 

2. Click on Teams on the menu on the left side of the screen


3. Click on the team you want to add members to.



4. Click on the three dots next to the title and select Manage Team



5. Click Add Member 



6. Begin typing a name in the box and click on the desired name when it appears in the auto-complete list. Or enter the email address of a non-Rollins person. 



7. Click Add 


Repeat this process until you have added all the desired members. 

8. Once members are added, click Close at the bottom of the same window.


People that have been added to a team will receive an email letting them know they are now a member and the team will appear in their teams list.

For More Information:

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