Canvas: Import Canvas Overview and Resources Module

The Canvas Overview and Resources module includes tutorial videos and links to instructions for getting started with Canvas, submitting an assignment, viewing assignment feedback, viewing grades, replying to a discussion, and taking a quiz.

  1. Click on Commons, located on the left global navigation menu
  2. If this is your first time accessing Commons, you will be asked to authorize Commons
  3. Click on Filter, on the top of the screen near the search box
  4. Select Rollins College
  5. Click on the X to close the filter window
  6. Click on the name of the Module card that reads: Canvas: Overview and Resources
  7. Click on Import/Download button on the right side of screen
  8. Select the course(s) you want to import the module into
  9. Click Import into Course
  10. You will receive a confirmation message that "You have successfully started the import! It may take a little while to see changes in your course"
  11.  Once the import has finished, the module will appear in the course(s) you selected


Visual Directions   

Screenshots (click to expand / collapse)
  • Step 1: Click on Commons, located on the left global navigation menu

  • Step 2: If this is your first time accessing Commons, you will be asked to authorize Commons

  • Step 3: Click on Filter, on the top of the screen near the search box

  • Step 4: Select Rollins College

  • Step 5:Click on the X to close the filter window

  • Step 6: Click on the name of the Module card that reads: Canvas: Overview and Resources

  • Step 7: Click on Import/Download button on the right side of screen

  • Step 8: Select the course(s) you want to import the module into

  • Step 9: Click Import into Course

  • Step 10: You will receive a confirmation message that "You have successfully started the import! It may take a little while to see changes in your course"

  •  Step 11: Once the import has finished, the module will appear in the course(s) you selected
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