Canvas: Student Getting Started Guide

Getting Started with Canvas

  1. Access Canvas by logging into okta and clicking on the Canvas tile.
  2. Review and set your notification preferences in Canvas.
    • We recommend that you select "Notify me right away" for Announcements and Conversations so that you do not miss important information from your instructors. 
    • You may also add a text (SMS) contact method in Canvas to receive notifications on your phone. 
  3. Make sure that your computer and browser are supported by Canvas.
  4. Download the Canvas Student mobile app.
  5. Watch a short Canvas Overview video to become familiar with the layout and features available to you.
  6. Please note that you will not see any courses on your Canvas dashboard until your instructors publish them. 

Resources Available to You

  1. The Canvas Student Guide provides helpful information and tutorials for all things Canvas. Below, you will find links to both the text and video versions of the Student Guide: 

    1. Canvas Student Guide - Table of Contents
    2. Canvas Student Video Guide - Table of Contents
  2. If you run into any issues with Canvas or need additional training or help figuring something out, please contact the IT Help Desk by emailing or by calling 407-628-6363. You may also submit a ticket to report Canvas issues.


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