Perusall is an online social annotation platform that creates a collaborative online learning environment for students. Perusall allows you to annotate course content, including text documents, web pages, videos, podcasts, books, and images. Leverage critical thinking and collaborative skills among your students with your own course work!
Setting up Perusall
To start using Perusall in your course, contact Instructional Design and Technology, with the Name and Number for the course in which you intend to use Perusall.
Please note: While IDT makes every attempt to complete these requests as quickly as possible, it may still take up to 2 weeks to enable Perusall in your course. IDT appreciates your patience!
Want to cut down on the number of questions from students, and ensure they have everything they need to complete Perusall assignments? Consider:
- Working with IDT to create a beginner assignment for students to practice navigating perusall
- Link the Perusall for Students article within your Canvas Course
Do I have to pay for Perusall? (click on the arrow to expand)
No! You are not required to have you or your students pay for Perusall, unless you are utilizing books within their pre-built library. You may be asked to select a "Course Choice Option" when utilizing free materials within your course.

"Perusall has no investors, no ads, and we never sell your data. Instead, the service is supported by our users, and we are committed to keeping the platform affordable for students."
You can choose $0. Perusall will encourage you to take action on one or more items listed, e.g., advocating for institutional license, adopt a book from their catalog, or spreading the word to your colleagues. Please select one of the choices to continue.

Creating a Perusall Assignment within Canvas
Reuse a Previous Semester
Looking to copy your course from one semester to another? No need to recreate all of your course content, but you will need to reload Perusall's connection within your new course. Learn more about Copying Perusall Content
Tips for course setup – Perusall
How do groups work? – Perusall
You can either upload your own documents and media to perusall, or utilize the library curated by Perusall's partnerships with publishers. Please note that all library included material within
How do clearing digital rights work in Perusall? – Perusall
Accessibility for PDFs – Perusall
How do I use scanned documents in Perusall? – Perusall
How do I use videos in Perusall? – Perusall
How do I use podcasts or audio assignments in Perusall? – Perusall
How do I use Boclips with my OpenStax material? – Perusall
What are folders? – Perusall
Can students upload their own documents to the course? – Perusall
Because of the direct link between Canvas and Perusall, you'll want to create your Perusall Assignments in Canvas. Navigating between assignments this way should be straightforward for you and your students!
How do I create, edit, or delete an assignment? – Perusall
How do I create assignments that include multiple section or page ranges? – Perusall
Can I extend the deadline for individual students? – Perusall
How do I create a differentiated assignment? – Perusall
Grading and Review
For assignments created within Canvas, once posted, the grades will automatically sync back to your Canvas gradebook by default. You can manage the grading and rubrics within Perusall, and then sync them to Canvas to allow students to see their total grades for your course with ease.
Can I review the comments of a single student? – Perusall
How can I add comments or questions directed to students? – Perusall
Can students post comments anonymously? – Perusall
How is comment quality defined in Perusall? – Perusall
How do I enable/disable grading for my course? – Perusall
When will I see grades? – Perusall
How do I use rubrics? – Perusall
How do I use scoring templates? – Perusall
How do I override the scores that Perusall provides? – Perusall
Why aren't my grades syncing back to the LMS? – Perusall
For additional assistance Contact Helpdesk
Want to be a Perusall Pro?
Dive into Perusall's webinars designed specifically for new users and those curious about using Perusall in the classroom. Perusall academy is available ad select times, and certificates are provided upon completion.
- Perusall Kickstart is the introductory webinar to learn the essentials and explore the foundational features of Perusall.
- Next Level is designed for experienced users looking to explore advanced features and assignment techniques
- Mastery is designed for educators looking to master the platform. Explore advanced tools to build custom student experiences and make the most of everything Perusall has to offer.