Click the link below to jump to the section.
- Access the recording in the Teams Chat
- From the Share pull-down menu on the upper right side, choose Share.

- There are two options here.
Option One: Send Link
Enter the name, email address, or group (and an optional message), and click Send.

The next box has permission options to choose for with whom the recording is shared.

A notice pops up indicating the link has been sent.

Option two: Choose to Copy link.
You can specify people with which to share the recording. You will still need to specify the Name, group, or email of the people for which to share the recording. Click Copy.

Click Copy to place the link in the clipboard.

- Access the recording in OneDrive
- Hover over the recording, and select More (three dots). Then select Copy Link, and copy the link.

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- Access the recording in OneDrive
- Click the More Options (three dots), and choose Share.
- Enter the name or email address of the desired recipientChoose who has access and manage permissions.
Enter the name, email address, or group (and an optional message), adjust People you Specify can.

Then under Who would you like this link to work for, choose an option.
In Other settings, used the down arrow to choose editing permissions.

(Optional) if you like you can choose to Block download of the recording.
Click Apply after making any changes to access, then Send to complete the process and send the email(s).

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For More Information
- To get further information contact: