How to configure your ODBC drivers


You must be connected to VPN to run Access queries. If you are not, you will receive an ODBC Called Failed error.


  1. First, confirm whether you have 32-bit or 64-bit version of Microsoft office
  2. Open File Explorer
  3. Open the C: drive
  4. Open the Oracle folder
  5. Click on ODBC Data Sources (xx-bit):
    1. Note: If the bit version does not match the version of Microsoft Office you have installed, contact the Help Desk 
      Screenshot of arrow pointing to ODBC Data Sources console.
  6. Click on the System DSN tab
  7. Click Add
  8. Search for Oracle in OraClient 12Home1_32bit (32 bit version) or Oracle in OraClient 12Home1 (64 bit version):
    Screenshot of arrow pointing to Oracle driver in ODBC console.
  9. Fill out the following information:
    1. Data Source Name: PROD
    2. Description: PROD
    3. TNS Service Name: PROD
    4. Enable Query Timeout: uncheck the box
      Screenshot of data source configuration settings with PROD filled out.
  10. Repeat step 8 with PPRD and TEST
  11. Click OK
  12. Open the PROD data source that was created and click Test
  13. Log in with your oracle username/password:
    1. If you receive a successful connection pop-up, test your Access query again to confirm it is working now.
    2. If you receive a TNS names error, update the local connection profile then test again.
    3. If you receive an incorrect log in message, please email or call the Help Desk.
  14. Close out of the ODBC settings pop-up
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