Canvas: Download Annotated Turnitin Submissions

  1. Go to Assignments
  2. Click on the name of the Turnitin Assignment
  3. Click on the SpeedGrader button in the right sidebar
    * Note: on smaller screens, this button may appear at the bottom instead of the side. 
  4. Click on the download icon in the top left of the window

Visual Directions   

Screenshots (click to expand / collapse)


  • Step 1: Go to Assignments

    image of Assignments link in the left-hand canvas course menu
  • Step 2: Click on the name of the Turnitin Assignment

    image of a sample assignment title

  • Step 3: Click on SpeedGrader button in the right sidebar

    speedgrader button in left sidebar menu
    * Note: on smaller screens, this button may appear at the bottom instead of the side. 
  • Step 4: Click on the download icon in the top left of the window

    download icon in top left of window