MS Office365 Products Will not Update on Mac

WARNING: This article involves updating the Operating System. Please make sure all needed files are backed up on Onedrive or another platform before proceeding.


Client is seeing this message on their Mac regarding any MSO365 product:

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  1. The OS must be updated to the latest version
    1. Open the App Store
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    2. Search "macos latest version" - replace latest version with the name of the latest version of macOS
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    3. Select VIEW
    4. Select GET
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    5. Select Download
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    6. Sonoma will begin downloading
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    7. After the download, click Continue to proceed to the install
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    8. Agree to the terms and conditions
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    9. Confirm by clicking Agree
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    10. Confirm installation drive by clicking Continue
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
      1. If the laptop is not plugged in, you will get this message. Plug in the charging cable on both ends and click Continue. NOTE: You can click Continue without plugging in. However, it is NOT RECOMMENDED.
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    11. ​​​​​​​Enter an Administrator Laptop password to allow changes. NOTE: This is a laptop password not a Rollins account password
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    12. Installation begins
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    13. The laptop will restart and come back to a login screen for the updated OS

  2. The computer information must be reset on
    1. Open a browser and login to with your foxID and Rollins password
    2. Click on Microsoft Office 365 Mail 
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    3. On the Stay Signed In dialog box, choose either option
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    4. After Outlook opens, click the 9 dot grid at the top left corner
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    5. In the apps selection window, choose Office or possibly Microsoft Copilot
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    6. Click on Install and more at the top right 
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    7. Click Install Microsoft 365 apps 
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    8. Under Apps & Devices, click Devices
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    9. Click Sign Out next to the current Mac
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    10. Log out of Okta, close the browser and restart
  3. Microsoft apps must update
    1. Login to the Mac
    2. Wait about 5 min
    3. Office apps should begin to update
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