Canvas: How to Create a Turnitin Assignment

  1. Select Assignments from the Course Navigation menu
  2. Click the +Assignment button
  3. Set the Submission type to Online from the drop-menu
  4. Under Online Entry Options, select the File Uploads check-box
  5. Scroll to Plagiarism Review, select Turnitin from the drop-menu
  6. If needed, customize Plagiarism Review settings: Store submissions, Compare submissions, Similarity Report, and when students can access the similarity report
  7. To publish the assignment, click Save & Publish button


Visual Directions   

Screenshots (click to expand / collapse)
  • Step 1: Select Assignments from the Course Navigation menu
  • Step 2: Click the +Assignment button

  • Step 5: Set the Submission type to Online from the drop-menu

  • Step 4: Under Online Entry Options, select the File Uploads check-box

  • Step 5: Scroll to Plagiarism Review, select Turnitin from the drop-menu

  • Step 6: If needed, customize Plagiarism Review settings: Store submissions, Compare submissions, Similarity Report, and when students can access the similarity report
  • Step 7: To publish the assignment, click Save & Publish button

Video Tutorial (click to expand / collapse)





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