MMC Mode 3: Whole-class discussion

Summary of Mode

This mode allows instructors to use the MMC to use the Multimedia Cart (MMC) and Polycom Studio to facilitate a group discussion.

Set-up for Mode

  1. Connect your laptop to the MMC via the HDMI cable
  2. Connect the Polycom Studio to your laptop via the usb cable (blue label)
    Note: Plugging in the MMC, Polycom Studio, or IPEVO may cause a resolution change of your laptop. This can be corrected by adjusting your laptop's display settings.
  3. Log into your preferred video conferencing software to allow any remote students to participate 
  4. Select the Polycom Studio as the microphone, speaker, and video source in your preferred video-conferencing software
  5. Make sure the Polycom is angled towards the classroom so the remote students can see the other students in the room

For More Information