Summary of Mode
This mode allows instructors to use the MMC to facilitate the use of the IPEVO VZ-R Document Camera to simulate using a whiteboard for remote students and students in the classroom.
Set up for Mode
- Connect your laptop to the MMC via the HDMI cable
- Connect the IPEVO VZ-R Document Camera to your laptop via the usb cable (green label)
Note: Plugging in the MMC, Polycom Studio, or IPEVO may cause a resolution change of your laptop. This can be corrected by adjusting your laptop's display settings.
- Log into your preferred video conferencing software to allow any remote students to participate
- Select the IPEVO VZ-R Document Camera as the video source in your preferred video-conferencing software
- Select the Polycom Studio as the audio source in your preferred video-conferencing software
- Aim the IPEVO VZ-R Document Camera down at the desk to display objects, paper, or a small whiteboard
Important reminders for this mode: Instructors will have to bring their own papers and writing utensils for this mode – there will not be paper and pens in the classroom.
For More Information
- Where and how to get further information and take the next steps if needed.