How to Book a Room using a Crestron Scheduler

  1. Go to the Crestron scheduler outside of the room you would like to reserve
  2. If the room is currently available and you would like to reserve a walk-up meeting:
    1. Tap on the plus symbol on the screen:

    2. Edit the Start/End time if necessary
    3. Tap Reserve Now:

  3. If the room is unavailable and/or you would like to schedule it for a later time in the day:
    1. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen to find the time you would like to schedule
    2. Tap the time you would like to book:

    3. Edit the Start/End time if necessary
    4. Tap Reserve Now:

  4. To access a help page on the scheduler:
    1. Tap the menu button on the bottom right of the screen:

    2. Tap Help
    3. The help overlay screen explains the various functions of the scheduler:

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