Parent Portal: parent setup instructions


It has come to our attention that certain email providers have security features that will disrupt this process. If you do not receive any email messages after your student has set you up, or you receive the email but the embedded link does not work, your providers’ security features are most likely causing this behavior. Please contact your email provider to see if these features can be adjusted, or use another email address from a different provider such as gmail.

Student User Prerequisite

This set up can only be completed if the student has completed the set up on their end. If they haven't, they can follow our student setup instructions to do so.

Parent/Guardian User Instructions

  1. Once the student set up is complete, you should receive an email with instructions and a one-time link and password.
  2. Click on the link that allows you to create a new PIN.
  3. Fill out the requested information:
    1. Your email address.
    2. Old PIN, use the temporary PIN provided in the email.
    3. Type and validate your new PIN.
  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Student Information Access page, you should see multiple tabs:
    1. Profile - fill in the required fields to complete your profile.
    2. Student tab* - you will see the list of web page links for the information your student has authorized.

*If you have more than one student granting you access, make sure they each use the same email. You will see a tab for each student that authorizes access for you.