How to connect to the Guest WiFi (Rollins-Guest)

Tags Guest
  1. Click on the wireless Icon
    1. Located in the top right of the menu bar on Macs and in the system tray for Windows
  2. In the drop down, click on Rollins-Guest
  3. Once it loads, you will receive a pop up that requests the following information:
    1. Name
    2. Cell phone number
    3. Cell phone provider
    4. Email
    5. Check I accept the terms of use
  4. Click Register
  5. In the next pop-up, type in your email address and the password that was sent to your phone then click Log In
  6. You will receive an authentication successful message once you are connected
View Screenshots (click the arrow to expand)

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6


Article ID: 42884
Mon 11/20/17 2:33 PM
Wed 10/11/23 1:03 PM