Data Security Classifications


  Classification Definition Examples include but are not limited to AI Statement
  Restricted or L4 Data protected by laws and contracts. Unauthorized access, corruption or loss may cause severe personal, financial or reputational harm to the College and/or constituents. Access available only to individuals with legitimate business need. Academic transcript, SSN, passport number, driver license number, protected health information, banking and payment card information, account credentials Not approved for use
  Confidential or L3 Data requires safe handling and protection but not necessarily by law or contract. Unauthorized access, corruption or loss may cause material personal, financial or reputational harm to the College and/or constituents. Access available only to individuals with legitimate business need. Grades, test scores, DOB, employee or donor files, intellectual property, unpublished research Not approved for use
  Internal or L2 Data shared within the College. Unauthorized access, corruption or loss does not cause considerable harm to the College and/or constituents. Access available to the designated audience. Team plans, processes and procedures, organizational charts, building and system documents, departmental reports and presentations, budgets, knowledge base articles Approved for use with guidance
  Public or L1 Data intended for general use. Availability and access do not pose a risk to the College and/or constituents. Access available to all audiences of the College and public. Promotional information, major and course offerings, published research, annual reports or policies Approved for use