How to edit a page in MyRollins

How to edit a page within a group

Note: You must be a group admin to edit a page.

  1. Go to the group that contains the page you want to edit
  2. Click on the tab for the page
    1. Note: If this is a new page, skip to step 5
  3. Click the menu to the right of the group name
  4. Select Edit Page from the drop-down
  5. Edit the page's icon/name
  6. Edit the page's content
  7. Click Save Changes
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Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

How to edit a page within your group name's category

Note: You must have access to edit pages within your group name's category. This access will be granted upon the creation of the pages.  If additional users need access, please request via our MyRollins support form.

  1. Click View all next to Pages in the left-hand menu
  2. Expand the category where the page you want to update lives
  3. Click on the menu button to the right of the page you want to update
  4. Select Edit page from the drop-down
  5. Use the editor to update the content for the page
  6. Select Save as Draft or Publish Page 
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Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6