How to edit advanced settings for your group


Important: You must be a group administrator to edit group settings.

As a group administrator, you are able to edit advanced settings for your group such as:

  • Group features
  • Default tab
  • Custom Call to Action Button
  • Reported Posts/Comments
  • Permissions
  • Welcome Notification


  1. Go to the group that you want to update the settings for
  2. Click on the settings gear at the top right of the cover image 
  3. Click on the Advanced Settings tab
  4. Adjust feature settings if needed:
    1. Post approval: This determines whether or not posts must be approved by an admin
    2. Events enabled: This determines whether or not events can be created in the group
    3. Files enabled: This determines whether or not file can be linked in the group
    4. Pages enabled: This determines whether or not the group has a custom page
  5. Adjust default tab
  6. Adjust custom call to action button: This determines whether or not a call to action button is added to the group header
  7. Adjust reported posts/comments: This determines if reported posts/comments are automatically removed 
  8. Adjust permissions
    1. Who can join this group? Everyone or Invited
    2. Who can leave this group? Everyone or Invited
    3. Who can post in this group? Admins, Everyone, or Members
    4. Who can comment in this group? Admins, Everyone, or Members
    5. Who can see group members? Admins, Everyone, or Members
    6. Who can create events? Admins, Everyone, or Members
    7. Who can manage resources? Admins, Everyone, or Members
  9. Welcome Notification: This determines whether or not a new member will receive a notification when they join the group
  10. Click Save Changes
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Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

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