Volunteers are persons doing Rollins College work/activities under the direction and control of a Rollins College authorized official and are not being paid.
Liability coverage is extended to volunteers acting at the direction of a Rollins College official and within the course and scope of their Rollins authorized activities. Volunteers of Rollins College are provided the same liability protection afforded employees.
Volunteers acting within the course and scope of their Rollins authorized activities may be covered for their liability exposure as authorized volunteers of Rollins College.
Rollins College volunteers are NOT covered by workers’ compensation insurance for injuries or illness resulting from their volunteer activities.
Volunteers are strongly encouraged to obtain their own medical insurance before participating in this program.
Volunteers must complete the following and submit to Human Resources they begin volunteering at the College (current students enrolled at Rollins College are exempt from the background check):
- Volunteer Agreement and Registration Form
- Volunteer Summary of FCRA Rights for Background Checks