How to send a campus wide email using the email lists in MyRollins

NOTE: You must be an authorized critical sender to use some of these lists. You can request critical sender access using this request form

  1. Log into MyRollins dashboard
  2. Click on Email Lists under Tools --> Campus Directory and Email Lists
  3. Select your general audience from the menu along the top (ex. Faculty/Staff):

  4. On the next page, select your specific audience (ex. All Staff and Administration):

  5. Click Search at the bottom of the page
  6. Select which option you would like to use:
    NOTE: ALWAYS use these lists in the BCC field to prevent reply issues.
    1. Quick send - automatically opens a blank email window with the email list in the BCC field 
    2. Cut and paste e-mail list - brings up a window to copy the email list for you to paste into the BCC field
    3. Create mailing list - creates mailing labels