How to install the SAS for staff client

Tags Install

How to install the SAS Client

  1. Download the SASforStaff installer 
    1. You may be prompted to log in with your Rollins credentials
  2. Once the file finishes downloading, right click the .exe file and select Run as Administrator 
  3. Wait for the installer to load (~ 2 minutes)
  4. When prompted, select which language to use
  5. Make sure Install SAS software is selected then click Next
    1. If you don't see the Next button, maximize the window.
  6. On the next screen, press Select All
  7. Select 32-bit Compatibility Mode then click Next
  8. On the SAS Installation Data File window press Next
  9. On the Select Microsoft Office Applications screen, check all applications then click Next
  10. Click Next to start the install
  11. Once the install is complete close the installer windows 

Apply SAS Program Updates

Once the installation is complete, open SAS Enterprise Guide to apply updates

  1. Download the AutoUpdate.exe file
  2. Copy the file from the downloads folder to:
    1. C:\Program Files (x86)\SASHome\x86\SASEnterpriseGuide\8
    2. C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASAddinforMicrosoftOffice\8
      Note: You will be prompted to replace the file. Choose Replace the file in this destination.
  3. Run SAS Enterprise Guide 8.1 program and click the View Details link at the top right
  4. Click Close and Install on the windows that appears
  5. When the update is complete, SAS Enterprise Guide will restart
  6. Click the View Details link again to apply another update
  7. Once the second update completes, open SAS Enterprise Guide
  8. Go to Tools > Options > Tasks > SAS Studio Integration > then unselect "Display SAS Studio Tasks" then OK
  9. Restart SAS Enterprise Guide

Create SAS Profile (Optional)

  1. Confirm there is no profile present (No profile selected appearing in the top right)
  2. Select Tools then Connections
  3. Click Add
  4. Fill out the pop-up with the following information:
    1. Name: SASApp on SASProd01
    2. Machine:
    3. Check the box next to Use Integrated Windows Authentication
    4. Hit Save
  5. On the next window, click Set Active 

Apply Microsoft Office SAS Add-ins

  1. Close all Microsoft Office programs, including Outlook 
  2. Open Excel or Word to apply the upgrades for SAS add-ins. Two updates will be applied and the program will restart twice. 
  3. Confirm the SAS Add-in is present:

  4. In Excel, click on the SAS menu item then Tools -> Connections to confirm that the profile you create in Enterprise Guide appears in Excel:

  5. Close Excel, Word, and SAS Enterprise Guide

Set Banner Database Password for SAS

  1. Open SAS Personal Login Manager to set your Banner database password
  2. Click Ok in the Connection Profile window
  3. Click Next on the screen that follow 
  4. Type SASApp on SASProd01 and check Set this connection as the default and click Next 
  5. Type for Machine and check Use integrated Windows authentication (single sign-on) and click Finish 
  6. Double click the Banner database and type in Oracle login
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