Self Service portal for software installs

What is self service?

Self service is an application on Rollins owned Apple devices. If your Rollins owned Mac does not have the self service portal, you need to enroll your Mac in JAMF. The portal allows users to install software and campus printers on their Macs. Software available on self service:

  • Adode Creative Cloud
  • AirMedia
  • Edge (Intel and M1)
  • Firefox
  • Fuze
  • Global Protect VPN
  • Google Chrome (M1)
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Nvivo 14
  • PaperCut Client
  • SPSS
  • VLC

How to install programs via self service:

  1. Open the Applications folder
  2. Double click on Self Service:

  3. Click on Install under to the application you need:

  4. Once it has installed, you will see the program in the Applications folder
  5. If the program requires an activation code (ex. Nvivo), reach out to the Help Desk