How to request signatures using Adobe Sign

Tags Adobe
  1. Login to your Okta account
  2. Click on the Adobe icon
  3. If prompted, type in your Rollins email address on the Adobe site
  4. Click on E-Sign in the menu along the top of the page
  5. Click on Request E-Signatures
  6. Fill out the requested information:
    1. Recipient(s) email address
    2. Message to send with the file
    3. Upload file that needs to be signed

  7. Check the box next to Preview & Add Signature Fields then click Next:

  8. Using the menu on the right, add in the Signature and Date fields:
    1. You may need to adjust the text boxes to fit your form by dragging the small triangle you see at the end of the box in the direction needed to make the text boxes larger or smaller

  9. Check the box next to Save to Document Library and click Send:

  10. The adobe sign process will send you emails as the document is viewed, signed and returned.
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