Visit Rollins Remote Teaching Resources on Canvas
We created this Canvas site to most effectively provide you with centralized teaching resources and support. Consider this the "one stop shop" for all of your teaching-related needs during this shift to remote teaching and distance learning. (Canvas will hold these materials much more effectively than the initial triage of using the Endeavor Center's webpage .)
There's a wealth of information out there -- too much for you to keep up with -- so we are sorting through it and carefully curating what's most relevant and useful for teaching at Rollins. You'll find everything from the basics on how to get started with the different tools (synchronous and asynchronous) to more advanced considerations and resources on how to do it well.
Please know that this site will be dynamic: we will continue to add to it in the coming days and weeks. If you have requests or needs that aren't addressed here, please let us know. We're here for you.
--Nancy Chick, Brooklynn Lehner, Scott Bokash, & Leila Haddad (Endeavor Center + Instructional Design & Technology)