

A set of filtering options used for searching users.


Name Type Nullable? Summary
SearchText String This field is nullable. The search text to perform LIKE-based filtering.
IsActive Boolean This field is nullable. The active status to filter on. Defaults to true if not provided.
IsEmployee Boolean This field is nullable. The employee status to filter on.
AppName String This field is nullable. The name of the system-defined application to filter on.
AccountIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The account IDs to filter on.
MaxResults Int32 This field is nullable. The maximum number of results to return.
ReferenceIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The integer IDs to filter on.
ExternalID String This field is nullable. The external ID to filter on.
AlternateID String This field is nullable. The alternate ID to filter on.
UserName String This field is nullable. The username to filter on.
PhoneNumber String This field is nullable. The phone number to filter on.
SecurityRoleID Guid This field is nullable. The UID of the global security role to filter on.
IsConfidential Boolean This field is nullable. The confidential status to filter on.