

A subset of information about a user in TeamDynamix.


Name Type Nullable? Summary
UID Guid The UID of the user.
ReferenceID Int32 The integer ID of the user.
UserName String This field is nullable. The username of the user.
FirstName String The first name of the user.
LastName String The last name of the user.
FullName String The full name of the user.
PrimaryEmail String The primary email address of the user.
AlertEmail String The alert email address of the user, where system notifications are delivered.
AuthenticationUserName String This field is nullable. The authentication username of the user, used for authenticating with non-TeamDynamix authentication types.
ExternalID String This field is nullable. The organizational ID of the user.
AlternateID String This field is nullable. The alternate ID of the user.
IsEmployee Boolean The employee status of the user.
IsActive Boolean The active status of the user.
IsConfidential Boolean The confidential status of the user.
TypeID TeamDynamix.Api.Users.UserType The type of the user.
DefaultAccountID Int32 The ID of the default account/department associated with the user.