- In the WordPress editor, click Add Media to the top-left of the text editor.
- Under Insert Media, in the tab Upload Files to the top-left Drag a file onto the center of the page or click Select Files in the center and select the files you wish to upload.
- When selecting a photo to upload, be sure to choose photos of high resolution, quality, and appropiate size.
- If you need to rotate or realign the photo before inserting into your page/post, selec the uploaded file and click Edit Image on the right hand pane.
- At the top of the following page, you will see options to rotate both clockwise and counter-clockwise.
- You have the option to add captions and alternate text for those who cannot load images. An accessibility best practice is to add alt text to images, which can be done when uploading files. This is descriptive text that describes the image and explains the purpose for users who are using assistive technology.
- When you are finished, click Insert Into Post at the bottom right.
Tip: Once you insert the photo, make sure that the photos are appropriately sized, centered, and consistent. You should also provide any copyright info for images that you did not personally take.