How to post to a group in MyRollins


How to post as yourself

  1. Go to the group that you would like to post to
  2. Click in the Write a post text box under the Discussion tab
  3. Compose your post in the text box. You can adjust the following settings for the post: 
    • Add a poll
    • Add image(s)
    • Add attachment(s)
    • Add post label(s)
    • Schedule the post
    • Add video conferencing 
  4. Click the Post button once you are done composing
View Screenshots (click the arrow to expand)

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3 (Post options in order: Add a poll, add an image, add an attachment, add a label, schedule the post, add video conferencing)

Step 4

How to post as the group

  1. Go to the group that you would like to post to
  2. Click in the Write a post text box under the Discussion tab to compose your message
  3. Select the option to Post as group.
  4. You can adjust the following settings for the post:
    • Add a poll
    • Add image(s)
    • Add attachment(s)
    • Add post label(s)
    • Schedule the post
    • Add video conferencing 
  5. Click the Post button once you are done composing
View Screenshots (click the arrow to expand)

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3 

Step 4 (Post options in order: Add a poll, add an image, add an attachment, add a label, schedule the post, add video conferencing)

Step 5



Article ID: 145519
Fri 4/28/23 11:44 AM
Thu 9/19/24 1:49 PM